Here I am again. I sit in this open office with the bouganvillea and arbovita all around - and the stone paved drive way and small stone wall right outside. It is hot - probably 90 or so and humid. But after a shower I feel like a new person. We spent the day cleaning up and painting. We put the first few layers of paint on the cement plastering that we did outside of gathering hall side of the youth center. Our Ghanaian partners start earlier and stay later than us - we admire their commitment to making this center a place where all Ghanaian youth can come.
We would like to send special thoughts and prayers to the Crockers. Bob's spirit of mission and commitment to making things happen inspired so many of us over the years. Please someone call him and tell him we are thinking of them.
Today's little tid bit is the name of our rooms: Loyalty, Justice, Joy, Love and Trust! Great, huh?
Joanna went off this morning at 6:30 AM to her site visit with a church agricultural agent. They were in a wonderful Tata SUV, an Indian car that looks familiar to Jack and me! We talked to them at lunch and she had reached the site safely and should return here by noon tomorrow.
We had the first mishap - Jack won't want me to tell you - but he fell off the chair he was standing on while pulling nails from the old ceiling. He banged his hand, elbow and back. He was on enforced rest for the remainder of the day - I am dosing him with Ibuprofen every 4 hours. If he has broken ribs there isn't much we can do anyway!
We are fine - tired and amazed by how the heat can drain us. We have not been using our mosquito net - the women had their hung last night - one over Phyllis and one over Ruth and Renee - they both came down within a few minutes of their getting into bed. They had been stuck to the ceiling with duct tape. Oh well! Today the staff apparently hung them with a nail so they'll be "protected" tonight. I haven't seen or heard a mosquito yet so we aren't going to bother.
We wondered about the snow - knew it was in the forecast. Thanks for the news from church. I am getting a messaged that I can' t save this so better stop for tonight. Love to all, Cate
Hey, please take care of that Hinz fellow for us! I am sure that he'd like to get right 'back on that horse', but a little R&R sounds appropriate. Somehow, I doubt that the mishap has negatively effected his appetite! ;-)
Stay well, and stay safe!
Looking sharp, Mom/Joanna! I know some guys at NU to talk to if you found you really enjoy that kind of work.
Thanks for the updates, Cate, and keep up the great work everyone! Mike
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