Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Spectacular Day Number 8

Sorry! We've had no internet for two days - there was a huge rain storm yesterday in the middle of the day. When we got back here to Hephzibah Guest House there was no internet. The power was on generator and the internet was off. So I just posted the blog for the 2 days before. Today, Friday, we had 3 marvelous experiences. First, we stopped at Trinity Seminary to meet Mercy Amba Oduyoye a world reknowned African women's advocate. She gave us a tour of the new facility called the Talitha Qumi Center. It is under construction and will be built as the fund raising continues. The center sponsors workshops and conferences and the wing to be opened in October will contain a computer lab and a library. We sat and asked her questions about women's issues in Africa. She is eloquent and speaks with quiet, direct authority. We were all impressed and moved by her vision and the work being done there. We will all want to keep in touch with the center and find ways we can support the work. Next we went to drive around the campus of the University of Ghana. There are many big white buildings with red tiled roofs and long tree lined avenues. We went to the bookstore and found the postoffice to purchase stamps for postcards. Lunch was at a great little place where we could get hambergers, pizza and fried chicken and ice cream sandwiches. We went to the W.E.DuBois center next. It was also a spectacular stop. The director came out, Dr. Anne Adams, and I asked if she knew Eufa Sutherland (a dramatist and well known Ghanaian) and she said of course, that she had just published a book with Eufa's daughter Essie about Eufa. I came specifically hoping that I could contact Essie because of a family connection so this is big for me! She called Essie and told me to call her any time tomorrow. Wow. There was just a huge clap of thunder and all the lights went out on the highway that comes up around the hill. So I am going to rush to finish this before the storm. We have one more day - we are going back to the center to take a couple brooms, some new fluorescent tubes and take pictures of our handy work. We have a special lunch date to say good-bye to John and Nana. There probably will be no blog entry tomorrow. Wish I could have added more pictures! We will have thousands so be prepared. We heard there was an earthquake in Illinois. Otherwise we've had no news from the US - no radio, no television, no newspaper. We send our love and prayers, Cate


Ethelyn Bond said...

Cate, thank you so much for your blogs. I have enjoyed them tremendously and can't wait to see the pictures. I leave for a week in Texas tomorrow morning and won't be able to greet you on your return. Sounds like some recuperating is in order! Traveling mercies .... Ethelyn

Margaret Ann Crain said...

Wow! I am so moved by Cate's wonderful description that I have tears in my eyes. Thank for you agreeing to go on this adventure. Thank you for your courage and for your work. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. May God bless and keep you.
Margaret Ann